2 Csárdás

- 作曲家
- フランツ・リスト
- 作品番号
- S. 225
- Year composed
- 1884
- Arrangements
- 2
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Two Czárdás について
The three csárdás that Franz Liszt wrote in 1881–82 and 1884 are solo piano pieces based on the Hungarian dance form of the same name. Liszt treats the dance form itself much less freely than he did much earlier with the verbunkos in the Hungarian Rhapsodies, and the material itself remains more specifically Hungarian than gypsy in thematic material. Their spare lines, angular rhythms and advanced harmonies show these pieces to be direct ancestors of the compositions of Béla Bartók. Because of these attributes, the csárdás are considered by Liszt scholars among the more interesting of the composer's late output.
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Other arrangements
- Two Czárdás
No. 2 Czárdás obstinée - ピアノ
- Two Czárdás