
Jean Titelouze

  • 日付
  • c. 1562 - 24 10 1633
  • Works
  • 2
  • 楽譜
  • 13


Jean (Jehan) Titelouze was a French Catholic priest, composer, poet and organist of the early Baroque period. He was a canon and organist at Rouen Cathedral. His style was firmly rooted in the Renaissance vocal tradition, and as such was far removed from the distinctly French style of organ music that developed during the mid-17th century. However, his hymns and Magnificat settings are the earliest known published French organ collections, and he is regarded as the first composer of the French organ school.
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Other names

Jehan Titelouze, la:Ioannes Titelouze, fr:Jehan Titelouze